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Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I love my new business cards. The old one is the on top, new one on bottom.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Teacher Tip of the Day

Tip #3: Be as professional as you can. When you go on an interview, make sure you have a professional bag with you and that your phone is out of sight and SILENT. Wear a nice watch, not one of those chunky ones. Have a business card to help distinguish yourself against the other candidates.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Teacher Tip of the Day

Tip #1: Make content relatable to the students. If you know your students enjoy texting (who doesn't?!) then make your math problems be about texting. Have them decode text messages in English class. Translate them in your languages class. Or, give them a fact about how many texts are sent out each month, by an average student. Have them discuss what mathematical problems could be derived from the fact.

If you give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach someone to fish, you teach them for a lifetime.

Teacher Tip of the Day

Tip #2: Make the most of the Common Core Standards by making sure that you keep a checklist of which standards are addressed by certain assessments. This can make lesson planning, reporting back to your superiors and your record keeping easier.