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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Classroom Set Up-part 1

It's that time of year again....setting up the classroom! This is my first official time setting up a classroom that is MINE!! YES! IT'S ALLLL MINE!! I finally got a permanent job. I'll be teaching 4th and 5th grade science along with 5th grade language arts to my homeroom students at a Catholic school near to home. I've been going in at least 2 times a week since the end of July to figure things out. The room I inherited has LOTS of things in it, so I've spent most of my time in the room trying to organize it, and see exactly what I have.  Here are just a few pictures from my set up. My video and more pictures will be up by the beginning of September when it is FINALLY done!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014