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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Back to School Night 2015

It's been a crazy few weeks, getting back into a routine at school. With each new group, you need to reteach procedures, and sometimes implement new ones. This past Thursday we had our Back to School Night. I was nervous. I've met most of the parents before, but I was still nervous that I would mess up. I guess it will take me awhile before I don't get nervous.

This isn't a super helpful, or inspirational post. I am just excited that I get to do what I love every day...even when they are long days and even if the kiddos don't always listen.

Have a fantastic week!

My Prezi ready to go for Back to School Night

Saturday, September 12, 2015

First Day Nerves

The first day of a new school year is always nerve racking. Will the students like me? Will they listen to what I have to say? Will they work well together this year? Am I prepared to handle whatever comes my way? My internal monologue never shuts up. As I try to compose myself to go retrieve my new class, my heart beats what feels like  a million times a second.

Then, something magical happens...I see their faces, their smiles, their excitement, and suddenly all my worries just disappear. In that moment, I KNOW I was meant for this. I was meant to have this specific group of students, at this school, at this time in my life.

No matter what the roller coaster ride will bring this year, I KNOW that they are just as excited as I am for this year to begin. I, for one, can't wait to see what happens.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

'Twas the Night Before School Starts

'Twas the night before the first day of school, when all through the house, every creature was stirring....including the computer mouse.

I know, it was a corny try, but I am starting my second year tomorrow. I am SUPER excited to see the kids. I keep thinking back and forth on whether or not it'll be a good year. This is what I've decided...

If I am not excited about the year, then THEY won't be excited about the year. I am doing my best to step up my game, and really make sure my students are as engaged as they can be.

My new motto for this year. I am going to Teach Like a Pirate this year.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Classroom Reveal 2015

I am entering my second year of teaching. I did a total room makeover with both the layout and the boards. I AM LOVING IT! Everything is so much brighter, and stands out against the pale blue walls.

This was taken on Monday, before the boards were truly "complete".

Also done on Monday. The top board is my "Scientific Method" board.

My Religious Board with Bible Verses.

Probably my favorite board. "Bee" a Reader! The students will track their 40 Book Challenge here.

Where we will write down our homework...and just PART of my massive classroom library.

I've moved my computer since last year, but this is my desk and computer area.

A better picture of the massive library.

My Reading, Science and Writing boards are done!

Our Writing Process Clothesline.

Slightly better picture of mailboxes, book shelf, and Scientific Method Board.

THIS IS MY FAVORITE BOARD!! Outside my classroom, this welcomes my students to the "Launchpad".

A better view. Loving Apollo 815 =)

My "Welcome" sign for 5-21.

Same inside the door as outside.

The posters above my closets, my closets (mostly organized), and the posters on the doors. One of the posters is a calendar of events and important dates.