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Friday, April 28, 2017

Continuing Education: Next Stop-Graduation!

I just finished my last class for my Masters Degree from Ramapo College of New Jersey!

I began this journey in May 2015, when I knew I was being rehired for the next school year. I worked as a student aide in the program throughout my entire undergraduate career (2008-2012). I was dedicated to that job, and the success of the program. At the end of my undergraduate career, I KNEW that the Masters of Science in Educational Technology (MSET) program would be where I would get my masters in, when the time came.

Fast forward to 2015, and I knew I wanted to start my degree as soon as possible. I took summer courses, and courses during the year. I worked hard to make sure every project I created could be something that I could use in the future. Why create something that you'll never use?

I learned a lot throughout this hybrid program (one that meets in person some days for some classes, and one that does other courses entirely or mostly online). Somethings, I already knew and other things were brand new to me. For my final project, I had to create an entire unit online. I took my extensive cell unit and made it all online. My idea behind that, would be that if I was absent, my substitute could continue the learning without me. Check out the website, and video tutorials on the student site or on the teacher site.

I am proud of all I have accomplished, so far, especially since I paid for the degree all on my own, WITHOUT any student loans. What's next--Graduation on May 11th, and then continuing on to finish my SECOND Masters. This time, in Curriculum & Instruction at Caldwell University.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Acts of Service

As a teacher, our school and classrooms are focused on service. We host multiple events throughout the year that help our students see the need of others in our community. My brother will be going to the Philippines this summer to help others in need. If you feel like you'd like to help others out too, check the GoFundMe page for my brother's group.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


The past few months have been devoted to my school's first STEM Fair. My students worked their butts off, day in and day out, to create the best projects possible. These projects were to help solve a problem posed by the United Nations through their Sustainability Goals. Two of my groups are moving on to the next level, which is AMAZING! I am so excited to see what will happen next.