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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Elves in the Classroom-Week 1

Our Elves have had a crazy week!! Here is just a brief overview of what they did:

Day 1: 11/30/15
Our elves joined us by sitting on top of a bookshelf by our spider plant. It was simple, but the kids were happy to name our new friends.

Day 2: 12/1/15
Our elves sat on our wire bookshelf by our Christmas Tree. They brought a suitcase full of clothes with them.

Day 3: 12/2/15
On Wednesday, our school had the Christmas Bazaar. The elves left messages for our kids to behave.

Day 4: 12/3/15
The elves brought in some magic powder, in case a mischievous child touches them!

Day 5: 12/4/15
The elves were upset with the plain red Starbucks cups, so they decided to decorate one.

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