Goal 1: Prepare for the Journey
Originally posted by Shelly Sanchez Terrell at TeacherRebootCamp.com
“All glory comes from daring to begin.” ~ Eugene F. Ware
Welcome! This year the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators, Cycle 5: Make a Difference, is on a world tour and visiting participant blogs from all over the globe. They are acting as our Inspire Leaders and helping us become better educators by challenging us to accomplish short-term goals. Choose 1 to 30 of the goals to accomplish by December 31st, 2014. Read more about the world trip here. If you’d like to be one of our stops, please fill out this form.
Goal 1: Prepare for the Journey
The first goal is to Prepare for the Journey. To accomplish this goal-
- reflect on your teaching in 2013 and share at least one accomplishment
- introduce yourself to the 30 Goals community
- make a connection with at least one person in the 30 Goals community
Some ideas on how to accomplish this goal: Try doing a 321 introduction, in which you list:
- 3 things we should know about you
- 2 goals you’d like to accomplish this year
- 1 achievement you are proud of from 2013
You can do this as a short video, poster, slideshow, comic, or podcast. You choose the tool. Here are 50 tools listed in a word cloud by Janet Bianchini. You can find many in my Symbaloo of digital storytelling tools. A few recommendations include Animoto, Smore, Buncee, Pic-Collage, MakeBeliefsComix, Tellagami,Fotobabble, and Powtoons. Here are many 321s from the participants of the Crafting Your Ebook EVO session. This activity is an idea I learned from Nicky Hockly. Feel free to post your 321 in the 30 Goals community or on this map,30goals.com/participantmap