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Monday, January 13, 2014

Blog Challenge Part 2

I was nominated, again, for the blog challenge. I have decided to just answer the questions, since they are interesting.

  1. Who is your hero and why?
    I do not have one hero. I have many people I look up to for various reasons--people I learn from, people who inspire me, etc.
  2. What impact do you want to have on the world?
    If I can be remembered by my students and my friends and family as being positive, happy, and helpful, then I will consider that I have left an impact on the world.
  3. What do you do to clear your mind?
    Read, watch TV, take a nap.
  4. Why did you become a teacher?
    Because I couldn't see myself doing anything else. I love working with kids and seeing them get their "Ah ha!" moments. I want to be a part of that process.
  5. If you could choose anyone from history to be your mentor who would you choose?
    I guess I would choose Mark Twain-he seems like a chill guy.
  6. What do you do to develop yourself as a professional?
    I partake in Twitter chats, I attend conferences (Edcamps and TeachMeet NJ), and learn from other professionals.
  7. What are you reading right now?
    The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks and Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire!
  8. Who is your favorite super hero?
    I like Batman. =)
  9. What is your favorite food?
    Chicken parm.
  10. Where is your favorite place?
    My shore house in Tuckerton, NJ.
  11. What is one new thing you have tried in the last year?
    Working out regularly--it does wonders!

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