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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Resolutions and Goals for 2014

Everyone makes resolutions at the new year. Most of the time we make goals that are great in theory, and hard to follow through on. I am going to give it my best shot to accomplish all of my resolutions, even if it takes me an extra 30 minutes to get to bed at night. 

Here are just some of my professional goals.

1. Attend at least 3 Edcamps in 2014.
2. Gather the resources needed to present on a good topic and actually present at a conference of some sort. 
3. Reach out to new members of my PLN for advice and networking. 
4. Get involved in a professional organization in some way.
5. Write at least one blog post a month (aiming for 1 a week, though) 

I hope these goals will be met, and if they are not, then I hope I can realize the steps I'll need to take in 2015 to achieve these goals. 

Best of luck in your own goals for 2014. 

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