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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring Cleaning in the Classroom

I've taken some time to relax this spring break. I've also taken time to make a list of things that need to get fixed or taken care of before the kids return from break. One of these items is new name tags. The kids' name tags have been torn apart and destroyed since September. I used bigger tags that required multiple pieces of tape to hold them down. I'm now trying Learning in Wonderland's skinny name tags. I am excited to see how they look on the desks. I am also going to put new numbers onto the kids' desks, from Ladybug Teacher Files.

A job that I am excited to start in the next few weeks, is fixing up my classroom library. I have a HUGE library. I will not only be adding colored labels to the spines of the books, but also add a genre sticker to the back. These are from Ladybug Teacher Files. My classroom library has been a hassle since August, but it's one that will work out so beneficially in the years to come.  

Are you cleaning your classroom? How do you reorganize the room during the year?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Things that I Love

I'm so excited to link up with Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd and Angie from Lucky Little Learners for January's Linky Party. February's Linky Party (even though I'm a LOT late) is all about Things That We Love.

In case you have missed my previous, #2getherwearebetter post, click below. Don't forget to follow the rest of the series here

Holiday Traditions
2016 Goals and Plans

I am going to talk about the things that I love that have to do with organization.

1. Erin Condren Teacher Planner

I am obsessed with my Erin Condren Teacher Planner. Click here to purchase your own. Check out my posts for the Teacher Planner Review here. Also check out my lesson plan hacks here. My Erin Condren Teacher Planner is my life. I always carry it with me. It definitely keeps me organized and prepared throughout the day.

2. 3rd Grade Thoughts Stickers

Check out the store here. 3rd Grade Thoughts has AMAZING stickers. I have purchased the ones above, weekly numbers, as well as some of her other lesson planner stickers. These are great for showing when I have specific duties, when I give exams, and when we have fire drills. These make the lesson plans look cuter, and keep me organized without having to write it all down.

3. Owl Plan With You Stickers
Check out the store here. These stickers are going to make my planner that much more organized and neat for next year. I have purchased several of the sticker packs and I cannot wait to use them! One of the ones I am most excited to use are the date stickers. These will look SO much better in my planner.

4. Really Good Stuff Bins

To help organize my classroom, and myself, I implemented these baskets at the beginning of the school year. Yellow is for anything having to go to the office. Green is for anything Science-4th or 5th grade. Pink is for anything ELA or Reading. I've also purchased some book boxes and other organizational trays for around my classroom. Check out the store here.

5. Desk Calendar

I love my desk planner. Seeing the month at a quick glance helps me plan my lessons, and my weekly activities. I am able to see who I am tutoring, when I have duty, and other school activities that are going on that week. This is the first and last thing I look at everyday in my classroom.

What are some of the things that you love in your classroom?

Monday, January 18, 2016

I'm Throwing A TpT Sale!

Teachers Pay Teachers is throwing sale, which means I'm throwing one too!!! I am very excited to share my resources with you all. A lot of my store is free, but I do have some paid resources. Feel free to check them out here!

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016 Goals and Plans

Happy New Year everyone!!! 2016 is going to be an amazing year. I'm so excited to link up with Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd and Angie from Lucky Little Learners for January's Linky Party.

I love the fact that we, as educators, get several new starts throughout the year. We get our academic starts, and calendar starts. It gives me the chance to always renew and review my goals for the year. I am happy to share my goals with everyone, and hear about everyone else's goals and plans. Follow me here, and on social media to see how I do with them.

In case you have missed my previous, #2getherwearebetter post, click below. Don't forget to follow the rest of the series here

I have set up goals for my professional, personal, and "business" life. They all focus on the word: Organize.

Classroom Goal:
I don't have a problem with organizing MOST of my classroom, but still struggle with several areas. These are the areas that make it harder for me to keep a welcoming room.

  • First Area: My Desk
My desk is crazy. From the printer that acts up, to the numerous teacher guides and papers, it's constantly a disaster. I am really aiming to organize it and keep it that way, ASAP. The area behind my desk is also very cluttered. I have bookshelves that don't always stay up, so the supplies there get destroyed. Goal: Organize supplies and area to make it more presentable, and usable.
  • Second Area: Science Supplies
I inherited a bunch of supplies when I was hired. A lot of them are useful, but there is very little storage space. As well, the supplies are old and dirty. I need to continue to sit and go through these supplies, and get rid of what CAN be thrown out, and STORE/ORGANIZE what needs to be. Goal: Sort through supplies in my rolling cart, and organize by topic.
  • Third Area: Organizer Drawers
My Sterlite containers are amazing. They help me organize the supplies needed for a specific day, and a specific subject. It is an awesome system, and works well when I have a Substitute. However, i don't use them as much as I should. My copies stay on my desk, or back tables for weeks. Goal: Really use the drawers to help keep my desk and tables clear and neat. 
  • Fourth Area: Keep and Utilize Better To-Do Lists
I make to-do lists, but I don't make them every week. I need to come up with a better format, and actually use them every day. There is nothing better than crossing off something from your to-do list. It gives me a little butterfly in my stomach. Goal: Find or create a to-do list format AND use it daily/weekly to help productivity rise.

Business Goal:
Beginning a small business is hard. I am not the most creative teacher, nor am I the most amazing one. I use a lot of amazing resources to make my teaching effective. My "business" goal helps me reflect on my teaching and force me to become more creative.

  • First Area: TPT Resources
I really want to grow my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I hope to do this by posting at least one new free resource, from my own creations, a month. I also would like to aim to post and create at least 2 paid resources for the 2016 year. Goal: Create and post the resources AND refine the resources I already use.
  • Second Area: Blogging & Social Media
I have done a lot of blogging in 2015. I even paid and had my blog design done professionally. This really helped me figure out an awesome brand for myself. The logo and color scheme is used in all of my areas. Goal: Post 1-2 times a week and add them onto my social media sites. 

Personal Goal:
I haven't taken a lot of time for myself in the past year or so. It was a crazy time with my grandfather's death, and learning how to live without him. It wasn't all horrible, though, because I met the man of my dreams during this past year. =)
  • First Area: Family & Friends
I really need to focus on my family and friends. They help me become a better person. Their support is what drives me. However, I get too wrapped up in making sure that I am the best that I can be, that I actually fall short of perfection. I also realized during this past year that I take pictures of OTHER PEOPLE, but very rarely include myself. I need to include myself in these photos, so that I can too remember the good times that are had. Goal: Spend more quality time with my family and friends, AND document things more , so the memories can last forever.
  • Second Area: Me Time
I don't give myself enough "me time". I am constantly worrying about what I have to do, or how I can please other people, that I forget to please myself. I need to organize my house and my STUFF more. It's become a huge mess during the time my mom was not living with us. It needs to change. I also need to learn to stick to a budget. I also hope to finish A Game of Thrones. I've been reading it for so long, and I hope to finish it soon. I miss reading. Goal: Plan a budget and stick to it; organize my bedroom and college supplies; take time once a month for something I will enjoy.
  • Third Area: Fitness
During this past year or so, I have gone through a bunch of fitness changes. I was on a roll and going to the gym for Zumba and personal training. Then life got crazy with my new job and my PopPop being sick. My fitness kind of got pushed to the side. Goal: Eat better, AND go to the gym to Zumba at least 2-3 times per week.

What are your goals and plans for 2016?