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Friday, November 27, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things-Science Edition

I have found several products and stores that have been extremely helpful to me, as I begin teaching Science.

Store # 1:

Kesler Science: This blog and store have amazing resources. At times, they are too advanced for my own students, but I still use his products to help reach those students who are more advanced.

My favorite product:
Lab Stations: Kesler just finished these awesome stations. They help keep the kids moving and learning during the day. These are complex enough to engage the upper level students, and still easy enough for my 4th and 5th graders to understand the tasks and concepts taught.

Store # 2:

Nitty Gritty Science: This blog and store have amazing resources. At times, they are too advanced for my own students, but I still use her products to help reach those students who are more advanced.

My favorite product:

Interactive Notebook Bundle: This is an awesome bundle. My students are sometimes confused by the notes, but that is expected when your students are younger than the projected age. This is an amazing resource because it gives both quizzes, notes and foldables. Foldables are amazing and this is a great resource for the traditional Interactive Science Notebook style.

Store # 3:

The Science Penguin: This blog and store have amazing resources. Ari has perfect resources for K-5 students. I use her products all the time. My students love it when I pull out a penguin product.

My favorite product:

Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction: This is an awesome product. I love the demonstrations and foldables for important science vocabulary. The demonstrations really help the students understand the concepts and topics.

Store # 4:

Science Doodles: This blog and store have amazing resources. She has perfect resources for all age students. I use her products all the time. My students love it when I pull out a penguin product.

My favorite product:
Earth Science Set: I honestly love all of her bundles, and use them all, but I choose the Earth Science Set, since I'm currently working on Earth Science. Her foldables and notes are amazing. The kids love fill in the blanks. They also love using the task cards to play SCOOT.

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